Thursday, October 30, 2008

Do you Vote?

Do You Vote?

- by Tony Mase

© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

A few days ago, I received the following email message (I've
edited out the personal details):

"Subject: Do You Vote?"

"Hi Tony,"

"I apologize ahead of time if this is in any way beyond the
boundaries of our communication..."

"I don't usually get into discussions where people have such
high emotions linked to their opinions on a topic."

"But, I made the mistake last night when provoked about

"I believe I might have lost the goodwill of some people
last night due to my refusal to accept the fact that I
'SHOULD' vote."

"I had no facts, just a mere 'feeling' of it not being for
me... so I sounded pretty silly and even said a few
erroneous things concerning voting."

"I sounded like an uneducated idiot because of such
'feeling' based decision making."

"So, because I look up to you and see you as a very wise
person, I just wanted to know if you voted or not. So far,
nothing presented to me through my research has convinced me
that I "should".

Although, as a rule, I stay away from discussions even
remotely related to politics (at least publicly), the
importance and timeliness of this question make it deserving
of an answer.

Here it goes...

One of the many benefits of living in a free society is that
the very same freedom that grants you the right to do
something, grants you the right *not* to do it if you so


I'm not going to address whether you should or shouldn't
vote, or why you should or shouldn't vote, I'm going to
merely answer the question of whether I vote or not and give
you my reasoning behind it...

Feel free to take from it what you will. :-)

Do I vote?

Sure do!

As a matter of fact, nowadays, Election Day is one of two
days a year (the other being the Fourth of July/Independence
Day) I use to "formally" discuss freedom, where it *really*
comes from, and how it's maintained with my son, who's now
ten years old, correcting the misinformation he's taught in

Anyone who knows me well, knows that personal freedom (the
freedom to do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do
it, without money being the deciding factor) is way up there
on my list of what's *truly* important to me, it's one of
the things I cherish most.

My ability to enjoy personal freedom and to continue to do
so flourishes best in a society where the freedom to do so
is granted by the people, by way of a higher "authority",
*not* government.

Unfortunately, and sadly I might add, because of the apathy
of the populace as a whole and the desire of some for more
power for themselves, our freedoms here in the United States
have been very slowing eroding over the years (and I'm not
talking here about just the "last eight years", so to speak,
I'm talking about over a period of many, many, *many*

All that stands between further erosion and eventual loss of
these freedoms (and to have any chance whatsoever of their
being restored to what they once were), is people taking the
time to become informed and voting for those who will work
to protect those freedoms, as they were intended by the
"founding fathers", even though sometimes the choice may be
limited to who will do the least amount of damage at any
given time.

I think Ronald Reagan, former President of the United States
and Governor of the State of California, said it best when
he said:

"Freedom is always just one generation away from extinction.
We don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream; we have
to fight for it and protect it, and then hand it to them so
that they shall do the same, or we're going to find
ourselves spending our sunset years telling our children and
our children's children about a time in America, back in the
day, when men and women were free."

I, for one, don't want to spend my "sunset years" telling my
son and my son's children about a time in America, back in
the day, when men and women were free...


On November 4th (Election Day here in the United States)...

With my son standing proudly by my side...

As I have for many years...

I will be voting.


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D.

"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"Abundance" by Wallace D. Wattles together with twenty-four
other rare books and articles written by Wallace D. Wattles.
Click Here =>

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Many Lives Do You Have?

- by Tony Mase

© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved
Recently, I received the following email message (I've
edited out the personal details):

"Hi Tony,"

"For a long time now in many articles and other writings, I
see so many personal growth gurus make reference to 'your
many areas of life'."

"But they never explain or define what they mean by 'your
main areas of life'."

"What exactly do they mean by your 'areas of life'?"

"Are they talking about personal development, family life,
career, financial success, or what?"

"What exactly do *YOU* think they're talking about?"

"How do you describe the 'main areas of life' and how many
areas are there?"

"Thank you."

Good questions! :-)

Let's start with...

"What exactly do *YOU* think they're talking about?"

Having "been there, done that", so to speak, I can tell you
*exactly* what they're talking about...

Conventional self-help "guru" (real, wannabe, and otherwise)
"wisdom" has you divvying your life up into anywhere from
six to eight (plus or minus) main "areas" or "categories",
depending on who you want to listen to and/or what's in
vogue this week, for the purpose of "balanced" (whatever
that means) "goal setting" (something, you should know
upfront, I no longer do), creating what many of them refer
to as a "wheel of life".

These "wheel of life" areas or categories, again depending
on who you want to listen to and/or what's in vogue this
week, might include, but are not limited to: business,
career, community, education, ethical, family, financial,
health, home, mental, personal, personal development,
physical, recreation, social, spiritual, etc.


Sort of makes your head spin just thinking about all these
potential areas or categories, doesn't it? :-)

But wait...

There's more!

I so love saying that. :-)

If that's not enough for you...

This conventional self-help guru "wisdom" has you go on to
set multiple long-range, mid-range, and short-range "goals"
in each and every one of the six to eight areas or
categories (or more!) of your "wheel of life", once again
depending on who you want to listen to and/or what's in
vogue this week, decide on deadlines for their attainment,
define the obstacles or roadblocks that stand between you
and each of these "goals", and then create detailed action
plans to overcome each of these obstacles or roadblocks to
attain your goals.


As lofty and noble as all of this may sound...

I can tell you from personal experience, as can practically
anyone who's ever attempted to follow such a "system",
there's one minor drawback to this whole process...

Are you ready?

Here it is...

It doesn't work!

Plain and simple. :-)

Why not, you ask?


Should you ever manage to complete this complex, laborious,
painstaking, time-consuming process (which, although many
love to talk about, I can assure you very few ever *really*
have), your head is going off in so many different, very
often conflicting, directions and you're so inundated with
all the new "to-dos" you now have to do, along with
everything else you have to do, guess what you usually wind
up doing?

That's right...

More often than not...


Absolutely nothing!

And guess what?

No action equals no results, PERIOD!

If ever there were a surefire formula for *not* getting what
you want in life...

This is it!

Which bring us to the question of...

"How do you describe the 'main areas of life' and how many
areas are there?"

My answer to that question lies in the answer to this one...

How many lives do you have?

The answer to which is simple...


That's right...



My advice is to forget about all this "main areas of life",
"many areas of life", and "wheel of life" nonsense that's
been being continuously perpetuated and routinely
regurgitated over and over and over again for years, many,
many, many years, in self-help books, self-help audio
programs, and self-help seminars by most of the so-called
self-help "gurus" and, instead create *one* (the same number
of "lives" you have) crystal clear, definite, overall,
unified "vision" of what you want in your life.


And only then...

Will you begin making some *real* progress!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of "The Science of Abundant Life"
ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...

"The Science of Abundant Life" by Wallace D. Wattles
"The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles together
with Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of Being Well", "The
Science of Being Great", "How to Promote Yourself", "The New
Science of Living and Healing" and "Hell-fire Harrison".
Click Here =>

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Your Clickbank commissions !?

There's been a ton of buzz around this system over the past few days and if you haven't heard about it yet, let me just fill you in...

It's called the "Commission Blueprint" - a radical formula created by Tim Godfrey and Steven Clayton that exploits Clickbank and Google in such a devious way that the resulting profits are in the realms of the *insane*.

$109,151 Clickbank Secrets -Click Here

Of course, you will have heard this kinda' thing a gazillion times before and to be perfectly honest so have I...

But after checking this out, I can give you rock solid confirmation that this is the real deal, especially if you want to replicate a simple system that generates MASSIVE Clickbank commissions.

Let me just throw some figures your way...

- $6,513.04 in one day

- $153,426.72 in 6 weeks

- $526,422.83 in 7 months.

...and the crazy thing is, these numbers were generated by promoting ONE Clickbank product, bidding on just ONE keyword...and without ANY help from JV partners or even an email list!

...not to mention the fact that this simple affiliate campaign took just a few minutes to set up.

How was it done?

Check out the story here:

$109,151 Clickbank Secrets -Click Here

This is a VERY VERY different ball game...

In fact, if you've ever wondered why most affiliates struggle to produce a red cent in profit whilst others effortlessly rake in unfathomable Clickbank commissions seemingly with their hands tied behind their back, then sit up and take note, because you're about to find out why.

The Best Thing?

You need no experience at all because they take you through the entire process on screen AND give you all the tools to actually make it happen.

The Weird Thing?

It's frankly bizarre that they're revealing this stuff. If it were me, I would've kept my mouth FIRMLY shut for sure.

These guys do 7 figures a year with Clickbank consistently and generate far bigger numbers than virtually anyone else on the planet.

Point being...if you're a suffering affiliate, you NEED this material. Badly.

The Bad News...

There are only very limited spots available and judging by how fast this has spread around the net, they'll go ultra fast... possibly in the next few hours.

It has literally just gone live though so you should be in time...

End result?

Affiliates who FAIL to get hold of this information will be left fighting for scraps and ultimately will be in a world of hurt from now on; that much I can assure you...

You can't afford to be left out of the loop with this one...

Here's the link:

$109,151 Clickbank Secrets -Click Here

Monday, September 8, 2008

Use Your Mind to Age Faster or Slower

By Jon Benson

Probably the most common question I get other than "do you lift weights?" or "how much can you bench" is, "How do you get those abs?" Not many bodybuilders carry 6-packs around the entire year, and I'm no exception. However, during a 'peaking phase', my abs are pretty decent for a guy who was once completely obese!

They're shocked at my first response, and you will be, too: "What are you thinking about when you eat? "After a few seconds of blank stares, I usually get the reply, "I don't know... never really thought about it!" "Exactly," I say. "How do you plan on getting any part of your body to respond, including your abs, without concentration on the challenge?"

However, it's more than just 'concentration' - I'm literally telling my body what I want it to do with the food I'm eating, with the workout I'm doing, and with the cardio I'm performing. I often touch my mid-section to make a stronger connection. I'm constantly visualizing myself with the abs I want. I never waver from that vision. When I do, that's when the fat loss slows down. Sounds too hocus-pocus? Give it a shot and then talk to me!

Let me give you one brief example of the power of thought on the body, (and you can see dozens more in "Fit Over 40" ).

In the book "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcom Gladwell, a fascinating study was noted about the power of mere association with physical performance. A group of individuals were asked to read documents that were riddled with subtle "age" words, like "prune", or "wither". They were then asked to walk to a hallway to take another test. They were not told the reason for the readings, or why the readings changed.

The result? Each time the person read more "age" words, they literally ALTERED the way they walked down the hall. Speed slowed down considerably... even posture changes were noted. They literally began to "act old". If you think this does not work in reverse, think again.

By Jon Benson. You can see dozens of ab routines inside the Fit Over 40 e-book. Every ab routine will work optimally once you change how you perceive the power of your words and your thoughts!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Your PC running slow? Speed it UP!

Revolutionary product speeds up your computer

There are many reasons why your computer could be running slow...

I'm myself pretty much a hard core computer user, couple of friends have mentioned that if a new computer needs to be tested in just a couple of hours, it should be given to me.

Simply because my normal computer workload is pretty much at maximum at all times. I have Mozilla FireFox open with 20-50 different tabs, couple of Adobe Acrobat windows, couple of word files, Editplus (text editor) with 30 tabs, plus of course Adobe Photoshop, mail programs, MSN and these are just the main things.

So if a PC has a reason to strike for some reason, it should definitely be my computer. However, luckily I haven't really had any big problems except for speed issues due to my hardcore memory and CPU consumption. Most of the 'computer speed up' software out there focuses only on ONE problem area, but with a user like me, its far from enough. Products like "PC Doctor" and "Registry Fixer" are decent products but they leave a lot of your computer's speed potential unused (I know that after I have tested the product PC Secret Formula).

PC Secret Formula system covers all important areas so your computer is literally forced to perform at maximum speed and that's why I would definitely recommend the PC Secret Formula to everyone who feels their computer is running slower than it could be should be.

While I use my laptop around 16 hours a day, I haven't really done much to keep it running fast and safe. I run a firewall and anti-virus software. In the past I have tried some spyware software pieces,
registry cleaners and so on, but overall they haven't done much good, some of them have actually screwed up my computer.

And this makes me happy to see a tested product, which teaches me how to do it all safely. At least for me it worked like a treat, really made my PC faster again and at the same time didn't cause
it to blow up or anything like that.

Did you know that some anti-virus software might make your computer virus-free but at the same time take up so much of your PC resources that it makes your computer reaaaly slow?

Using PC Secret Formula

PC Secret Formula has been designed so that you run through the entire program step by step. First you get your machine cleaned up and to get familiar with software (btw, all the software names there are freeware, so no extra costs). It takes some time the first go around but it's very clearly explained.

You'll learn exactly what to do and most importantly, what NOT to do. How to use the software and a number of built-in Windows utilities to fix your slow computer. After that there's a regular maintenance plan outlined that will take much less time but will keep
your machine in great shape.

Usually people charge a lot for just a registry cleaner, but in this package, its included! With this program you really get your money's worth plus more..

What I didn't like about PC Secret Formula? After going through the system I'd say there are one thing that I don't like about it. Firstly, being a hardcore computer user I know enough about computers as well as different tasks. What I don't know much about is how to speed up my computer.

I know a few things but I haven't really had any time to work on obtaining knowledge in that area. And here I'd like to see special chapters that would be combined of the section of the book. There could be like 3 different combinations, one for hardcore users like me, another for intermediate PC user and finally one for hardcore amateur. Right now the sections of PC Secret Formula all together last just a bit less than an hour's read, but for me it
would be enough to have a 10-15 to get straight to the point.

Overall impression

PC Secret Formula has easy-to-follow, professionally produced and well put together ebook, but in addition to that, every single chapter also has notes attached which provide additional notes that will further enhance your PC's performance. So if your computer is running slow and you want to speed it up today, PC Secret Formula is the system you should use.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Start a savings plan.

Start saving today. Many people will say "my income is not enough for my family, its not even enough for myself". These are the usual outcries, and yes it's true, with the current financial crisis and the high cost of fuel and food items, we can say that we can't save.

But as the saying goes, "If there's a will, there's a way". And there is a way, if we put our mind into it.

Here are some steps:
  • Set a goal for yourself. This will motivate you to save. For example: A long needed vacation in five years or a new car, or a down payment for a new home. Whatever will motivate you to save. If you are not motivated, your goal is just wishful thinking and your life will just drift or coast along into nothingness.
  • Create a budget. I know this is mentioned in every article you read about money but believe me without a budget, it will be very hard to save. The nitty gritty of budgeting can be discussed in another article. Below are simple ways of creating a budget plan. Keep in mind though that your budget should be in line with the times, as you know the prices of goods and services have gone up. So make a budget that's not too stringent and must be realistic.
    • Plan how much money you expect to come in this month. This will be your Income column.
    • Pay yourself first, allot ten (10) percent for your savings. You can increase this as your income increases. I know you can do it.
    • Write down the expenses you anticipate every month. Put the necessary things first like recurring bills (e.g. rent, electricity, water, phone, transportation or fuel, etc.). For annual expenses like insurances, get the monthly expense by dividing it by 12 and put it in your monthly expense column.
    • Put an amount beside each expense item.
    • If money still is not enough, adjust the amount of items that are variable like food. Minimized eating out, choose less costly dishes and eat more home cooked meals. If you have your own vehicle, read on how to save on fuel and apply it, and if you are commuting, ride more on buses, and less on taxis. I know you can do it.
    • If there is still money left, congratulate and reward yourself by spending it anyway you want, but if you want to go to the extreme add it onto your savings
  • With this plan you assure yourself of a savings and still meet necessary expenses.
  • What if you found out that your income is not enough to meet your needs. Then, find ways to increase your income (More of this in future articles). You can start by selling assets you don't use by having a garage sale in your own or another's yard, posting it on e-bay or approaching friends and forcing them to buy it from you. You can also have a part-time job or start a sideline business you can do after office, on weekends or online (just beware of scams). The extra income will greatly help you.
  • If your budget still is too much, examine each expense item closely to find out where you can save. Check on suspicious little expenses that you spend on every day or week.
The bottom line is not to bring misery to our lives by being frugal, spendthrift or miser but in taking charge of your own money. By doing this, you'll make money your slave and not the other way around.

Have fun!

For fast, effective, financial relief: You Need A Budget

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quote of the Day

Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle.

Ken Hakuta

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How to Think Like a Millionaire

2nd of 2 parts

By T. Harv Eker
Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

4. Rich People Think Big

Poor people think small.

We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of $250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said, "Everything changed the day I began to think big." In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."
Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How many people do you actually serve or affect?

For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others are comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet there is.

Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the game?

Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the minors?

Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.

But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living true to your purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about serving others.

Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and more me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives. It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to money, meaning, and fulfillment.

It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and start leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and value in a BIG way. There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up to the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.

5. Rich People Are Bigger Than Their Problems

Poor people are smaller than their problems.

Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists, and detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and that's why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches and the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.

Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people. Rich and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful people are smaller than their problems.

Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a problem. They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and miserable.
The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to grow yourself so you're bigger than any problem.

Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this problem appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a "level 5" problem would seem BIG.

Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this person's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now a SMALL problem.

And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday occurrence, like getting dressed or brushing your teeth. Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go away. If you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems."

What's important to realize is that the size of the problem is never the real issue. What matters is the size of you!
Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to grow yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of creating wealth and keeping it once you have it.

Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is confronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!

6. Rich People Focus on Opportunities

Poor people focus on problems.

Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.

Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.

It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely talking about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the world. Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it doesn't work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work." Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take responsibility for creating their life and come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll make it work."

In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to reward; generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities are willing to take that risk.

Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have confidence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they can always make their money back or succeed in another way.

On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be catastrophic.
You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing on ways of losing money.
T. Harv Eker is the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and the creator of the world famous "Millionaire Mind Intensive," a program which has changed the lives of over 250,000 people so far.

Click here to grab TWO FREE TICKETS to a Millionaire Mind Seminar.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Latest PTCs I joined


Please join one or all of them by clicking on the banner. It will make me your referrer. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to Think Like a Millionaire

I'm copying and pasting here an article I got from from the Mind Power Newsletter. I think it's worth reading and the principles can't hurt if applied to our own lives.
1st of 2 parts

By T. Harv Eker
Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life. Let’s examine six crucial differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think.

By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from which to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and quickly switch over to how rich people think.

Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.

1. Rich People Believe "I Create My Life"

Poor people believe "Life happens to me."

If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the steering wheel of your life; that you create every moment of your life, especially your financial life. If you don't believe this, then you must believe you have little control over your life and that financial success has nothing to do with you. That is not a very rich attitude.

Instead of taking responsibility for what's going on in their lives, poor people choose to play the role of victim. Of course, any "victim's" predominant thought process is "poor me." And presto, through the law of intention that's literally what they get; "poor," as in money, me.

Here's some homework I promise will change your life. For the next seven days, I challenge you not to complain at all. Not just out loud, but in your head too. I've given this little challenge to thousands of people and several hundred have personally told me that this exercise completely transformed their lives. I invite you to email me with the results of this experiment. I guarantee you'll be astonished as to how amazing your life will become when you stop focusing on the "crap."

It's time to decide. You can be a victim OR you can be rich, but you can't be both. It's time to take back your power and acknowledge the fact that you create every moment of your life. That you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it. That you create your wealth and you create your non-wealth and everything in between.

2. Rich People Play the Money Game to Win

Poor people play the money game not to lose.

Poor people play the money game on defense rather than offense. Let me ask you, if you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense, what are the chances of you winning that game? Most people agree; slim and none.

Yet, that's exactly how most people play the money game. Their primary concern is survival and security, not wealth and abundance. So, what is your goal? What is your real objective? What is your true intention?

Rich people's big goal is to have massive wealth and abundance. Poor people's big goal is to have "enough to pay the bills..." on time would be a miracle! Again, let me remind you of the power of intention. When your objective is to have enough to pay the bills, that's exactly how much you'll get; just enough to pay the bills and usually not a cent more. You get what you truly intend to get. If you want to get rich, your goal has to be "rich." Not just enough to pay the bills and not just enough to be comfortable. Rich, darn it, rich!

3. Rich People Are Committed to Being Rich

Poor people are uncommitted to being rich.

Most of us have good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich, but what about the other side of the coin? Are there reasons why it might not be so great to be rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?

Each of us has a file on wealth in our mind. This file contains our personal beliefs that include why being wealthy would be great. But for many people, their file also includes information as to why being rich might not be so great. These people have mixed internal messages around money and especially wealth.

One part of them says, "Having more money will make life a lot more fun." But then another part screams, "Yeah, but "I'm going to have to work like a dog! What kind of fun is that?" One part says, "I'll be able to travel the world." then the other part responds, "Yeah, and everyone in the world will want something from me." These mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons that most people never become rich.

In fact, the #1 reason most people don't get what they want is they don't know what they want. Rich people are totally clear they want wealth. They are unwavering in their desire. They are fully committed to creating wealth. They will do "whatever it takes" to have wealth as long as it's moral, legal and ethical. Rich people do not send mixed messages to the universe. Poor people do.

I hate to break the news to you, but getting rich is not a "stroll in the park." It's takes focus, expertise, 100% effort, and "never say die" perseverance. You have to really commit to it, both consciously and subconsciously. You have to believe in your heart you can do it and you deserve it. If you are not fully committed to creating wealth, chances are you won't.

Thought of the Day

The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer,
He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it,
he sees exactly how to make it happen.

Robert L. Schwartz

Monday, July 28, 2008

Now what?

Ok, this blog's topic is about making money on the internet. I still don't have that kind of money to brag about. I must admit, I'm a slow learner and also a stubborn one. You see I've been blogging for almost a year now and all I have earned from Google AdSense is just $34.44. I have been browsing more than a hundred sites about making money online and all that stuff. I've read about affiliate marketing, search engine optimization and etc. and have a hard time understanding them.

Maybe, I'm also lazy to implement and try it out.

What do you think?

Hey, I've discovered Pay to Click sites and there are so many of them out there. I wonder if they really can live out to their pay out promises. Here are some that I recently joined. Please sign-up for one or all of them and make me your referrer. Thanks!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Another Blog on Money?!

Again!? Another blog on money making? Are people really that hungry for money?

I don't know with you but with the continued rise on the price of basic necessities, another blog on how to make money would'nt hurt or would it?

Yes, you read it right, the title is Money for Nothing as I will be compiling/writing articles on how to make money for nothing.  So, what does this mean? This means we are going to generate money from the internet.  Yeah, I know there is no such thing as money for nothing.  You have to invest at least your time or your brain power.