Thursday, October 30, 2008

Do you Vote?

Do You Vote?

- by Tony Mase

© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

A few days ago, I received the following email message (I've
edited out the personal details):

"Subject: Do You Vote?"

"Hi Tony,"

"I apologize ahead of time if this is in any way beyond the
boundaries of our communication..."

"I don't usually get into discussions where people have such
high emotions linked to their opinions on a topic."

"But, I made the mistake last night when provoked about

"I believe I might have lost the goodwill of some people
last night due to my refusal to accept the fact that I
'SHOULD' vote."

"I had no facts, just a mere 'feeling' of it not being for
me... so I sounded pretty silly and even said a few
erroneous things concerning voting."

"I sounded like an uneducated idiot because of such
'feeling' based decision making."

"So, because I look up to you and see you as a very wise
person, I just wanted to know if you voted or not. So far,
nothing presented to me through my research has convinced me
that I "should".

Although, as a rule, I stay away from discussions even
remotely related to politics (at least publicly), the
importance and timeliness of this question make it deserving
of an answer.

Here it goes...

One of the many benefits of living in a free society is that
the very same freedom that grants you the right to do
something, grants you the right *not* to do it if you so


I'm not going to address whether you should or shouldn't
vote, or why you should or shouldn't vote, I'm going to
merely answer the question of whether I vote or not and give
you my reasoning behind it...

Feel free to take from it what you will. :-)

Do I vote?

Sure do!

As a matter of fact, nowadays, Election Day is one of two
days a year (the other being the Fourth of July/Independence
Day) I use to "formally" discuss freedom, where it *really*
comes from, and how it's maintained with my son, who's now
ten years old, correcting the misinformation he's taught in

Anyone who knows me well, knows that personal freedom (the
freedom to do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do
it, without money being the deciding factor) is way up there
on my list of what's *truly* important to me, it's one of
the things I cherish most.

My ability to enjoy personal freedom and to continue to do
so flourishes best in a society where the freedom to do so
is granted by the people, by way of a higher "authority",
*not* government.

Unfortunately, and sadly I might add, because of the apathy
of the populace as a whole and the desire of some for more
power for themselves, our freedoms here in the United States
have been very slowing eroding over the years (and I'm not
talking here about just the "last eight years", so to speak,
I'm talking about over a period of many, many, *many*

All that stands between further erosion and eventual loss of
these freedoms (and to have any chance whatsoever of their
being restored to what they once were), is people taking the
time to become informed and voting for those who will work
to protect those freedoms, as they were intended by the
"founding fathers", even though sometimes the choice may be
limited to who will do the least amount of damage at any
given time.

I think Ronald Reagan, former President of the United States
and Governor of the State of California, said it best when
he said:

"Freedom is always just one generation away from extinction.
We don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream; we have
to fight for it and protect it, and then hand it to them so
that they shall do the same, or we're going to find
ourselves spending our sunset years telling our children and
our children's children about a time in America, back in the
day, when men and women were free."

I, for one, don't want to spend my "sunset years" telling my
son and my son's children about a time in America, back in
the day, when men and women were free...


On November 4th (Election Day here in the United States)...

With my son standing proudly by my side...

As I have for many years...

I will be voting.


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D.

"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"Abundance" by Wallace D. Wattles together with twenty-four
other rare books and articles written by Wallace D. Wattles.
Click Here =>

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