Monday, November 13, 2017

5 reasons that Entrepreneurs FAIL!

Since failure is part of the process of success, I want you to see the main reasons people never truly "make it" as entrepreneurs.

Because you can learn from each one.

Here we go...

Reason #1: "I'll do it later..." - Procrastination almost always leads to failure. The "I'll do it tomorrow" mindset is toxic to any sort of success or progress because it means that NOTHING gets done. To make it as an entrepreneur - you need to "eliminate tomorrow." If something is important - do it today.

Reason #2: "I don't want to fail..." - People who are AFRAID To fail never take the first step. And, if you never take the 1st step, you'll never take the second, third, and so on. That means you have KILLED any chance of success before you even start. Failure teaches you. You learn from it. But if you never take the first step because you're afraid of failing - there is ZERO possibility of ever making it as an entrepreneur.

Reason #3: "I'll just wing it..." - If you don't have goals, you'll wander around aimlessly forever. To reach success, you need to know what success looks like. You need an objective. People who have no goals, don't make it as entrepreneurs because there's nowhere to "make it" too.

Reason #4: "I'll start from scratch..." - It's overwhelming to try and figure things out on your own. In fact, there's no need to do that. Instead - use a system that already exists. By using a system (or multiple systems), you're leveraging what's already out there. That's how you work smarter, not harder. This is ALL about leverage.

Reason #5: "I'm can figure it out without help..." - You need a mentor. So do I. So does - everyone. The ROI of investing a coach or mentoring is somewhere in the 700% range for entrepreneurs. I had my Rich Dad help me early on. And I've had several others help me along the way. Show me a successful entrepreneur and I guarantee that I can show you mentors they've had along the way. Those who neglect mentorship are doing so to their own demise, because they're setting themselves up for failure.

Robert Kiyosaki

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